Yejin Bang

HKUST | Google Scholar | Linked In


I am a Ph.D. Candidate at Center for AI Research (CAiRE), The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), superviced by Prof. Pascale Fung.

My research passion revolves around Natural Language Processing (NLP), delving into themes of « Value Alignment, Large Language Model (LLM) Evaluation, Responsible AI, and Safety in AI ».

Honored with the Area Chair Award at AACL 2023, my contributions have earned a spot among the Top 100 AI achievements (2022-2023). I serve as a reviewer for prominent NLP conferences such as ACL, EMNLP, NAACL, EACL, ARR and Harvard Data Science Review.


Aug 23, 2024 Our work “A Dialogue System Architecture for Humanoid Robots Targeting Patinet Interview Tasks” won the 3rd place for the Best Industry Application Award 🏆 (Bronze Price) @ RO-MAN2024.
May 16, 2024 My work on measuring political bias in LLM got accepted to @ ACL 2024!
Dec 06, 2023 Presented my work on framing bias mitigation @ EMNLP 2023!
Nov 04, 2023 Evaluation of ChatGPT paper has received Area Chair Award 🏆 @ AACL 2023. [Article]
Oct 25, 2023 My work has been selected as Top 100 AI achievements :sparkles: :smile:

selected publications

  1. ACL
    Measuring Political Bias in Large Language Models: What Is Said and How It Is Said
    Yejin Bang ,  Delong Chen ,  Nayeon Lee , and 1 more author
  2. EMNLP
    Mitigating Framing Bias with Polarity Minimization Loss
    Yejin Bang ,  Nayeon Lee ,  and  Pascale Fung
    In Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2023 , Dec 2023
  3. AACL
    A multitask, multilingual, multimodal evaluation of chatgpt on reasoning, hallucination, and interactivity
    Yejin Bang ,  Samuel Cahyawijaya ,  Nayeon Lee , and 8 more authors
    AACL 2023, Nov 2023